

広葉樹林業という新たな選択肢を。A new option of broad-leaved tree forestry

岡本 宏之  Okamoto Hiroyuki
宮川森林組合 Miyagawa forestry association

この状況を踏まえ、宮川森林組合では2007年から「自然配植」という技術を使った広葉樹林業の確立を目指して活動しています。「自然配植」とは簡潔に言うと、 自然林ができあがるために必要な「森林立地(場)評価」「適地適木理論」「樹木の生育理論」の3つで構成される森林再生理論です。立地・社会情勢からその場所で将来、林冠を形成する主木を決定。さらに成長の早い先駆種を適切に配置することで、主木に最適な環境を整え、遷移の短縮を図ります。また、立地環境に適した亜高木・低木類を適切に配置し、階層構造の発達した多様性の高い森へと誘導します。

広葉樹植樹による50年後の森の実施想定例 Example of expected future of broad-leaf forest in 50 years

Example of expected future of broad-leaf forest in 50 years

Do you know the difference between artificial forest and natural forest? Artificial forest is forest planted to produce a large amount of standardized coniferous trees such as sugi and hinoki mainly for producing construction material. A major part of the mountains in Odai Town is artificial forest, but deficits increase each time the woods are cut because of reduced demand and the cost of increasing forest coverage. On the other hand, in natural forest, various kinds of trees are mixed and grow together. Different types of trees naturally grow according to the environment, and there is diversity of vegetation and living things. You can observe links of nature in such a forest. Natural forests have also gained attention for preventing shallow landslides by diversified root systems.
Because of this, Miyagawa Forestry Association has started broad-leaved tree forestry using the technique of natural planting design. It is, in short, a forest restoration theory that consists of 3 elements: evaluation of the location of forest, theory of the right tree in the right place, and plant growing theory. The main trees to form tree canopies in the future are decided based on the location and social conditions. By arranging trees which grow fast ahead of them, the optimal environment for the main tree is provided to reduce the time for transition. In addition, subcanopy trees and bushes suitable for the location are arranged appropriately to create forest with high diversity and a hierarchical structure.
The difficult part is how to decide “the right tree in the right place”. There are various environments in forests, and we have to select suitable trees from more than 500 species of naturally-grown trees. And seedlings of such a variety of trees are not sold in the market. Currently the association grows nursery trees from seeds of about 100 kinds of trees collected in Osugidani.
Another problem is damage by Japanese deer. The three major damages are damage by eating planted seedlings, eating naturally grown nursery trees, and peeling decortication of grown trees in the natural forest. Their economic and environmental impact is large. The association adopted “patch defense”, which randomly surrounds about 100m2 of land with nets to protect trees. It has brought on good results for about 9 years.
As if it reflects the types of trees which grow according to the environment of their location, the market needs are diversified. From now on, people have to consider a market which satisfies needs different than artificial forest can satisfy, and establish that as a business. If a lucrative model with broad-leaved trees can be created, it will become a new option for local industries. We see a great potential in the realization of this new model.
